Choosing Samantha as our mediator led to a parenting plan and custody schedule I am happy with. I left with communication tools that have already helped my relationship with my ex-wife. Our children have been positively impacted.
— Joshua, Father and Businessman
Going through a Divorce or Separation?
Dealing with Custody and Parenting Decisions?
Dealing with Financial Choices?
Mediation Can Save Money and Heartache
Getting divorced is difficult. Divorcing with children has even more challenges. My goal as a mediator, is to support both parties to be able to voice what matters most to them and to come to resolutions between both parties (usually parents).
Mediation is a private confidential and cooperative process. My job is to hold an impartial and caring space where the conflicts can resolve and agreements can be made that both people can stand behind comfortably.
As your mediator, I will support the parties to work together to find a resolution by having:
- Good communication so understanding is improved
- The needs of each party clearly stated and honored
- Possible solutions to be discussed
Why Mediation vs Litigation?
In most cases, mediation is significantly less expensive than litigation.
In most cases, mediation is significantly less expensive than litigation.
Mediation gives you as the parties involved more control of the outcome than does litigation. Parties involved come to a decision on issues, rather than the court deciding.
The emotional grievances of not being heard, understood or your perspective being taken into account and mattering in the decision making process can be dealt with in mediation. You have a voice that will be heard. Your needs will be met for an agreement to be made.
What will the Mediation Session Look like?
- All parties will meet personally or online with the mediator in joint and possibly some separate sessions (called caucusing)
- All relevant information and documentation is exchanged
- Mediator is there to empower the parties to determine their own outcome
- A written statement of all agreements reached is prepared
Keys for Successful Mediation
Samantha as Your Mediator.
I have personally seen the mishaps of going through a legal battle. I have benefited from mediation myself.
I bring a particularly unique set of skills to my mediation work. As a clinical therapist, I have worked with family dynamics for years. As a systems oriented therapist, I have the perspective and capacity to hold the family as a whole, while addressing individual needs. I am child centered, meaning I will hold the child(ren)’ needs as high priority. I have a lot of experience with family constellations, and helping families clear up miscommunications and find clarity and equanimity
I can help you identify and work effectively with, rather than avoid, the underlying psychological challenges that are often what is getting in the way of real conflict resolution. Then we can more easily move forward to look at your demands and make agreements.
Rather than staying stuck in irreconcilable differences, I can guide you as individuals to identify what it is you really want behind your demands. I can help you both find creative solutions that meet your fundamental needs and are mutually agreeable.
As your mediator, I will encourage and facilitate dialogue, provide guidance, help clarify your needs and interests and support parties in understanding your differences and finding a mutually acceptable resolution.