Samantha Nadia Terriss is among the most talented, educated and experienced clinicians I have know. She is dynamic, focused and creative as a therapist and workshop leader. Samantha is gifted at creative assessments and somatic and relational interventions. I have witnessed her help people make profound shifts in their habits, core beliefs and trauma patterns.
Sam, MFT, Private Practice & Trainer at Family Paths
Working with Samantha has given me a powerful new way of being in myself and interacting with the world. Her capacity to track my body and state of being helped me change patterns I had for years. I am so grateful.
—Jill Ann, Nurse]

I invite all aspects of you, both those in the light and in shadow, into your wholeness.
I invite your innate wisdom.
As a Somatics Family Therapist, Body-Mind Educator, Consultant and Family Mediator, I have been supporting individuals, couples, families, and children for the last 20 years.
Credentials & Training
My credentials include a Masters degree in Somatic Psychology, a practitioner of Somatic Experiencing™, the trauma healing work of Dr Peter Levine, focused training in Attachment work, Generational Healing, and Interpersonal Neurobiology. I am also a practitioner of Cranial Sacral, and MindBodyStudies™, the work of Dr Feldenkrais.
I have the capacity to track subtle changes in the mind and body, exploring the connections between brain and behavior. A decade of working with the psycho spiritual work of Diamond Logos has given me a deep understanding and awe of the preciousness of the human soul.
Therapeutic Experience
I have worked internationally teaching classes and offering somatic therapy sessions.
Therapy For Children
My work with children has ranged from those in foster care and at clinics, to working at an orphanage in the Ukraine with an amazing team, to private practice work both offering somatic modalities and therapy.
I am grateful to be a mother to an amazing child. I enjoy hiking, dancing and being with friends over a good meal in my personal time.
I am organizing a kids art exhibit for climate change, where kids can use their voices and express their feelings through creativity and positive action. This project holds a special place in my heart and I am most grateful for the opportunity to work with children and their families in conjunction with Marin Open Studios.
“Samantha’s capacity to track what is happening for someone, and understand the dynamics within a family system is amazing to me. It is a unique opportunity to work with a therapist who can track at subtle levels, and offer support that is long lasting.”
Personal Commitment
My commitment to serve comes from my own sincere dedication to make the world a better place and to bring healing and light to where there has been ashes. I have had my own struggles and challenges that have offered me a unique perspective and capacity for insights that only experience can offer. I know the importance of working with all the channels of healing. I can offer energetic, somatic and cognitive support and am a wealth of knowledge for referrals for other helpful modalities as needed.
I am warm, creative and straight forward and offer a sense of trust and ease with adults and children alike. I hold an authentic and caring space, and am committed to serving the individuals and families I work with. Sessions offer both a healing space for inquiry and growth, as well as practical skills you can take home. I offer both in person and virtual sessions.
Samantha’s Degrees, Credentials, and Training
Mediator – trained by Steven Rosenburg, CA.
MBS Practitioner – the work of Dr Moshe Feldenkrais, trained by Mia Segal and Leora Gaster, CA.
MA in Somatic Psychotherapy from CIIS in San Francisco, CA.
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner® – the work of Dr. Peter Levine, CA.
Holistic Health Practitioner from the School of Healing Arts in San Diego, CA.
Pre and Perinatal Training from UCSD, and Experts in the field, CA.
Cranial Sacral Therapist – trained through the Upledger Institute and Kathy Kain, CA.
Healing Touch® Practitioner – trained by Demaris Jarboux in Boulder, CO.
Myotherapy Apprenticeship – with Steve Lockhart in Sydney, Australia
Sensori-Motor Integration Work – trained by Pat Ogden and other teachers of the Hakomi Method in CO. and CA.